Why spend a day phoning around To several people, waiting for them To call you back and give you a quote when Visions Concierge can take care of those details, allowing you To use your time more efficiently? When we say..."We do it all!" We really mean it. |
What We Do A to Z (Click on links) |
Copyright © 2004 by Visions ConciergeAll Rights Reserved. |
Instructions: Click on My grocery checklist, scroll to bottom, fill our you info and email it to visionsconcierge@ec.rr.com. Be sure to put your phone number in the comments section, with any other special instructions. Our delivery area is at this time Carteret County only. We will soon expand this service to Onslow, Craven and Nash County. If your coming to the beach and hate to wait in line at the local grocery store, call us....We'll make arrangements to have your grocery items waiting for you upon arrival to your rental unit or vacation home. |
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Call us toll free at 1-800-495-3892 or Locally at (252)247-3826 |